RESCHEDULED TIDE talk and launch of TIDE’s open access Keyword resource: 9th May, 13:15. Budden Lecture Theatre, Leverhulme Building. University of Liverpool.
Join us and Professor Sylvia Adamson (University of Sheffield) on 9 May for the launch of TIDE's open access keyword resource and an informal lunch time talk (bring your own sandwiches) on ‘Ideology and Language-change 1500-1800: Literary and Linguistic perspectives’.
Sylvia Adamson is Professor of Renaissance Studies at the University of Sheffield and TIDE Visiting Fellow for 2018. She has held Visiting Professorships at the University of Virginia and Naples and has been a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford and Cambridge. She is considered the UK’s leading exponent of historical stylistics and has contributed to the Cambridge History of the English Language. Her published works include Reading Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language (Arden, 2001) and Renaissance Figures of Speech (Cambridge University Press, 2007). She is also contributing to updating Raymond William’s pioneering Keywords (Keywords for Today, Oxford University Press, in press), and is an advisor for TIDE: Keywords.